Media Entertainment
Product Description
A digital subscription-based (SaaS) VOD media offering with 40 3rd-party studio channels, including National Geographic, BBC, Trace, Fox, and CBS Reality.
My Role
Executive Head of Brand and Marketing
To expand the newly launched brand through subscriptions and engagement.
Marketing Strategy
1) Brand Awareness, given the start-up nature of the company
2) Educational campaign to educate on subscriptions and product use
3) Monthly programming campaigns, to showcase new and exclusive content
4) Co-marketing partnerships with Cell C telecommunications and media studios
Target Market
Low-income previously disadvantaged South African market for all ages, but focused on 18-45. This market has no access to good high-quality content due to the cost of subscriptions and data required.
Unique Selling Proposition
High-quality local and global content (some exclusive) at an extremely affordable rate, with no commitment contracts. Cell C black brought accessibility choices to the market, from buying one movie for $8, to multiple low daily and monthly subscription levels, starting at 3 cents p/day.
Delivered Elements
Print campaigns including billboards, magazine, and newspaper
Radio advertising
TV advertising
Social media
Google paid advertising
Trailer video production
Educational videos
On-the-ground activations
Partnership campaigns

Outcomes and Successes
1) Reached 2000 subscribers within 3 months
2) Built the marketing department, processes, and team
3) Became a household brand name within 6 months 
4) Some innovative partnership deals that led to high customer engagement
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